This report was written by Matthias.
[Legion Deloyment]
The Tharn Wolfrider ‹ Prey › ed the Forsaken. Unfortunately I forgot to take a shot of the Circle deployment :-(
[Legion Turn 1]
Thagrosh casted ‹ Fog of War › , ‹ Draconic Blessing › on the Carnivean and then advanced.
The Carnivean used his animus on himself and trampled forwards, then got riled for one.
The Forsaken advanced and ‹ Cumsumed Fury › (4) from the Carnivean.
The Shredders all went ‹ Rabid › and advanced.
Angelius ran forward ... you know... ran using his wings... ahem...
The Sheperd ran forward as well, following the Angelius.
[Circle Turn 1]
The Warp Wolf on right flank ran forward and warped ‹ Strength › .
The Tharn Wolfriders ran forward as well, moving into the wood on the Circle right flank.
The Blackclad Wayfarer ran forward, as did the Warp Wolf on the other flank (warping ‹ Strength › as well).
The Shifting Stones changed positions, ...
[Circle Turn 1]
... the War Wolf ran forward, too.
Kaya advanced and discarded 2 Fury points.
[End of Turn 1]
[Legion Turn 2]
Thagrosh upkept both spells and leached all Fury points.
The Shredders used their Animus ‹ Tenacity › and advanced.
[Legion Turn 2]
The Forsaken followed them, keeping behind a large boulder and collected 1 Fury from one of the lesser Warbeasts.
[Legion Turn 2]
The Carnivean advanced and used ‹ Spiny Growth › on himself, then he shot a boosted ‹ Dragon Breath › at the Warp Wolf. The boosted damage roll resulted in 10 points, which let to the Body getting crippled.
Thagrosh moved up behind the Carnivean and cast ‹ Spiny Growth › on himself. Then he discarded all exept one Fury point.
[Legion Turn 2]
The Angelius slightly advanced and spit his ‹ Flame Jet › on one of the Shifting Stones. A boosted damage caused 3 points of damage. The Shepard followed the Angelius and relieved him of his Fury.
[Legion Turn 2]
Overview at the end of the turn.
[Circle Turn 2]
Kaya leached all Fury.
Blackclad slightly advanced into the Zone and cast ‹ Hunter's Mark › on the Carnivean.
Kaya spent one Fury to Heal the Body Aspect of the Warpwolf. She then advanced towards the Circle left flank and discarded 4 Fury points.
The Warpwolf Stalker that just got healed charged the Carinvean warping ‹ Strength › . He hit with the charge attack for 9 points damage, and the second initial hit for 2 points of damage. Forced for an additional attack, he hit and caused 9 points of damage with a boosted damage roll. Forced for another additional attack, the boosted damage roll came up with 13 damage points, killing the Carnivean.
In return, the Warp Wolf received 3, 2, 2 and 2 damage points. This crippled his Body and Spirit Aspect of the Warp Wolf. ( Björn forgot the effects of ‹ Spiny Growth › , and only thought of them after all the attack rolls of the Warp Wolf. We applied the return damage at this point, would he have thought of it earlier, the Carnivean would probably have survived, due to higher rolls needed by the Circle 'beast due to the crippled aspects.)
Thagroshe leached the Fury of the dying Carnivean.
[Circle Turn 2]
The Tharn Wolfrider conducted an ‹ Assault › attack on the Shredders.
The 1st Shredder suffered 2 damage points from the throw attack, 1 damage point from the charge attack and 4 damage points from the mount attack.
The 2nd Shredder was missed by the thrown spear, even with re-roll from ‹ Luck › . The charge attack wounded him for 2 damage points and the mount attack missed as well.
The 3rd Shredder was also missed by the throw attack including the re-roll from ‹ Luck › . Suffering 4 damage points from the charge attack, the mount attack missed as well.
[Circle Turn 2]
The Stalker on the left Circle flank was placed towards the Angelius by the Shifting Stones. With warped ‹ Strength › , the claw missed, the sword caused 9 points of damage. Forced for an additional attack, he caused again 9 points of damage. The 2nd additional attack caused 6 points, and the final additional attack killed the Angelius.
[Circle Turn 2]
War Wolf advanced to engage the Sheperd.
[End of Turn 2]
[Legion Turn 3]
Thragosh leached two Fury, leaving one on the Shredder on the far left Legion flank who frenzied and killed the Tharn Wolf rider, causing exactly his health points in damage.
Thagrosh upkept ‹ Fog of War › .
[Legion Turn 3]
The Forsalken advanced and spent 5 Fury points for a ‹ Blight Shroud › . The Wolf Rider sufferd one damage point. The Warp Wolf was killed by a massive 6 dice damage roll.
[Legion Turn 3]
One Shredder was forced to ‹ Rabid › and attacked a Wolf Rider for 3 damage points. He was forced for an additional attack and gulped the rider and his mount.
[Legion Turn 3]
The remaining Wolf Rider was also attacked by a ‹ Rabid › Shredder, and also killed with the second attack.
[Legion Turn 3]
The last Shredder attacked the Blackclasd Wayfarer with ‹ Rabid › and ripped out his throat, thus ending his life.
[Legion Turn 3]
Thagrosh popped his Feat and placed the Carnivean back on the field. He casted ‹ Spiny Growth › on the Warbeast and then...
[Legion Turn 3]
...charged the most farward Shredder to geht into the zone.
[Legion Turn 3]
The Sheperd missed the War Wolf.
[CPs Legion 2 - Circle 0]
[Circle Turn 3]
Kaya leached Fury and cut herself for two more.
The War Wolf moved around the Sheperd and attacked, killing the blighted creature.
[Circle Turn 3]
Kaya ran to dominate the flag. The Warp Wolf advanced unto her flank.
[Circle Turn 3]
The Shifting Stones shifted and contested the zone.
[CPs Legion 2 - Circle 1]
[End of Turn 3]
CPs Legion 2 - Circle 1
[Legion Turn 4]
Thagrosh leached all available Fury, the one Shredder left with two passed his Threshold check. Thagrosh upkept ‹ Fog of War › .
The Forsaken fetched the Fury from the Shredder.
The Shredder in front of the Druid became ‹ Rabid › and quicly devoured the black clad human.
[Legion Turn 4]
The next Shredder became ‹ Rabid › as well to attack a Stone, breaking a tooth but destroying it.
[Legion Turn 4]
Another Stone received 2 dam points from yet another ‹ Rabid › Shredder, who needed a second bite to crumble the Stone to dust.
[Legion Turn 4]
Thagrosh advanced into the center of the zone and engulfed the Stone with his ‹ Blighted Breath › - this destroyed the Stone thanks to a boosted damage roll.
[Legion Turn 4]
The Carnivean advanced and sprayed ‹ Dragon Breath › on the Warp Wolf with a boosted hit roll and boosted damage roll for 5 points of damage.
[CPs 4 Legion - 1 Circle]
[Circle Turn 4]
Kaya leached all available Fury.
The Warp Wolf charged the Carnivean and caused 6 damage points with the charge attack. The second initial attack with the claw caused no damage. Forced for three additional attacks, the Circle 'beast caused 6, 2 and finally 5 points of damage.
[Circle Turn 4]
Kaya and the War Wolf ran towards the zone, the War Wolf being a bit slow to reach it. Kaya discarded two Fury.
[CPs 4 Legion - 1 Circle]
[End of Turn 4]
CPs 4 Legion - 1 Circle
[Legion Turn 5]
Thagrosh leached Fury, leaving two Shredders wth one Fury each.
[Legion Turn 5]
The one facing Kaya passed his roll, ...
[Legion Turn 5]
...the other one attacked his Shredder comrade.
The Shredder in front of Kaya attacked with ‹ Rabid › and caused 11 points of damage, leaving her with 3 health points.
[Legion Turn 5]
Thagrosh advanced and attacked Kaya, but missed with ‹ Rapture › . The claw hit and killed Kaya with a boosted damage roll.
[End of Game]
Björn (Legion of Everblight)
This game was a real final, as both armies had their wins against Cygnar. Tactical deploy was quite similar to the first battle, only with the exeption of a main group that featured an undivided pack of Shredders this time, so they could lay siege to the great control area. Although the Angelius was by far not as effective as in the battle before, it possibly was the crucial factor that Circle did not keep both Warp Wolves together for the purpose of taking him out. Another good move was the early spray of Dragons Breath on the other Warp Wolf, followed by the Blight Shroud of the Forsaken. That allowed Legion to take pressure on Circle concerning victory points. It was expected to be a game, where the army wins, that gets the first charges, but playing against Legion implies expect the unexpected.
Bernd (Circle Oboros)
Against Björns army we both were of the opinion that the player who gets the alpha strike will win this game. Well, I got the alpha strike and I lost. So much for our assumptions. :)
In my first turn I managed to get a position where I controlled the zone and Björn had to get into it in order to hinder me from scoring. At this point I think I had the advantage because I could get the first strike and I could decide what to go for.
I decided to go for his heavy hitters with my Warbeasts and managed to kill them both, but I failed to kill any of the Shredders with my Wolfriders. On his turn he killed most of my army and was able to score Victory Points. At this time the game was basically over.
In hindsight I should probably not have attacked the Angelius and should have focused on my right flank in order to get control of the Zone.
This was the second game against Björn and the second time I lost. Next game I'll do better. At least I hope so. :)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
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New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
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