This report was written by Björn.
circle ⇒ first player
cygnar ⇒ second player
wracks from top to bottom: wrack 1, wrack 2, wrack 3
wolfrider choose firefly b as their prey
[Circle Turn 1]
kaya spells ‹ occultation › on wolfrider
whole army rans or makes a full advance to get as close to the wracks as possible
both warpwolves warp ‹ prowl ›
[Cygnar Turn 1]
nemo spells ‹ fail safe › on defender, ‹ lightning shroud › on charger a and ‹ polarity shield › on firefly b
cygnar also advances, but does not get as close to the wracks as circle
[End of Turn 1]
circle has all but the wolfriders between wrack 2 and wrack 3, while cygnar goes for the central wrack, hoping that one of the outside wracks will disappear
[Circle Turn 2]
wrack 3 disappears
wolfrider attack firefly b with spears ⇒ 10 damage, right arm crippled
wolfrider move backward to wrack 1 with light cavalry move
all other models only move shortly, camping in the woods near the central wrack
[Cygnar Turn 2]
nemo keeps none of his spells up
nemo spells ‹ energizer › on his battlegroup
firefly b charges the wolfrider on the outside and kills him
firefly b attacks another wolfrider but misses
[Cygnar Turn 2]
charger shoots into melee between firefly b and wolfrider, causing friendly fire with 3 damage
no army gets points for the wracks
[Circle Turn 3]
kaya does not keep ‹ occultation › up
one warpwolf charges charger b and cripples cortex and its right arm
the other warpwolf charges firefly a and eats him up quickly with three additional attacks
the warwolf turns over behind the lines to the wolfriders
[Circle Turn 3]
kaya spells ‹ occultation › on herself, ‹ spirit door › s the ravenous warpwolf to her, then uses her feat and ‹ spirit door › s the other warpwolf to her as well
[Cirlce Turn 3]
no army gets points for the wracks
[Cygnar Turn 3]
charger b shoots on one shifting stone ⇒ hit with no damage
firefly b leaves melee range of the wolfriders but keeps in reach ⇒ free strikes of the wolfriders kill it
wolfrider choose charger a as their next prey
nemo spells ‹ electric blast › on the wolfrider and kills one ⇒ another one is hit, but takes no blast damage ⇒ the warwolf is also hit by blast damage and does not survive
charger b charges the remaining wolfrider and kills him
defender advances to wrack 1
cygnar gets a point for wrack 1, so it stands circle 0 to cygnar 1
[Cirlce Turn 4]
kaya keeps ‹ occultation › up
one warpwolf is placed by the shifting stones towards charger b and gets exactly in reach
the other warpwolf engages charger a in melee ⇒ destroys it ⇒ sprints on the scrap heap he just caused
the placed warpwolf matches the devastation of the other by attacking four times until only pieces of charger b are left
kaya spells ‹ soothing song › and ‹ spirit door › s the placed warpwolf to her ⇒ advances in contact with wrack 2
druid advances towards stormcaller ⇒ stone spray is to short
circle gets two points for dominating wrack 2, so it stands circle 2 to cygnar 1
[Cygnar Turn 4]
stormcaller desparetely shoots at druid, but druid is immune to electricity
defender shoots on one warpwolf, causing light wounds
nemo spells ‹ energizer › two times to get in position for an assassination run on kaya
nemo charges kaya ⇒ boostad attack misses ⇒ another additional boosted attack misses ⇒ finally the last attack hits, but 9 damage are not enough to take her out
cygnar gets one point for wrack 1, so it stands circle 2 to cygnar 2
[Circle Turn 5]
druid ⇒ stone spray on stormcaller ⇒ kills him
kaya attacks nemo ⇒ knocks him down, but nemo barely escapes being killed by her taking 13 wounds
ravenous again the warpwolf decides the battle in favor to circle by getting rid of cygnars warcaster
Bernd (Circle of Oboros)
This time I wanted to get the best out of Kaya's ability to teleport my Warbeasts back to her.
As Matthias' army was very shooty I camped in the forest in the center of the table and was able to contest the flag while also being in concealment. And my Stalkers were stealthed due to their Prowl ability.
This forest was a big tactical advantage and I was able to damage and wreck Warjack after Warjack until Matthias had to try to assasinate Kaya.
I was happy that I was able to play my army to its strength, but I think Matthias deserves a revenge with a table setup that is not so favourable for me.
Matthias (Cygnar)
This game sucked...
The worst part was the position of the wood - the Wolves with Prowl gained Stealth there and were at the same time contesting the center flag... great...
Then I paid not enough attention... on turn 2 I unintentionally fired into the melee between the Firefly and the Wolf Riders, as I did not consider the engagement range of the Firefly before shooting...
The Firefly really suffered from me not paying attention. When I moved the 'jack back one turn later, I thought the Wolf Riders with their spears had Reach... should not have thought but read army cards... The free strikes wrecked the light Warjack. In hindsight this was a good move (getting it killed) as Nemo was then able to obliterate that circle flank with one spell.
My bad luck continued, as the Stones shifted the Warp Wolf just into range of the Charger controlling the flag allowing the 'beast to wreck the 'jack - 1mm less placement range and the Charger would have been save - and I would probably have scored one more CP.
The game ended with bad luck: My desperate last ditch assassination run needed 3 boosted attack rolls vs 11 - only one hit... from a statistical point of view I would not have won the game, but with two hits and the resulting damage I would have felt much closer to winning...
The good thing about this game is me having killed the War Wolf again without him having contributed anything to the game - and that with blast damage - continued proof of uselessness :-)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
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