This Fantasy game was played on 2011-02-08 at Matthias' place using Hordes/Warmachine-Rules (set in ' Iron Kingdoms ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Bernd.
Circle Orboros | Protectorate of Menoth | |||
[ Bernd ] | [ Matthias ] | |||
Battlegroup | ||||
Kaya the Moonhunter | -3 | High Exemplar Kreoss | -5 | |
Laris | free | Revenger | 6 | |
Pureblood Warpwolf | 9 | Repenter | 4 | |
Feral Warpwolf | 9 | Vanquisher | 8 | |
Warpwolf Stalker | 10 | |||
Argus | 4 | |||
Units | ||||
Shifting Stones | 2 | Visgoth Juviah Roven | 4 | |
⇒ Stonekeeper UA | 1 | Max Choir of Menoth x 2 | 6 | |
Solos | ||||
War Wolf | 1 | Vassal of Menoth x 2 | 4 | |
Druid Wilder | 2 | Vassal Mechanik | 1 | |
Knights Exemplar | 5 | |||
Reclaimer | 2 |
Battlefield with deployed forces. Matthias was the first player, thus deploying first and getting the first turn.
Protectorate deployment.
Circle deployment.
[Protectorate Turn 1]
Kreoss gives one Focus to each Jack. The choir in the backfield casts Shielding on the Repenter and Vanquisher. Kreoss casts Lamentation. Everything else runs.
[Circle Turn 1]
Everything runs. The Feral warps Protective Plates, the Pureblood Spellward and the Stalker Strength. Kaya casts Shadowpack and Forced Evolution.
[End of Turn 1]
[Protectorate Turn 2]The Vanquisher gets 2 Focus, the Repenter 1. Kreoss upkeeps Lamentation and casts Defenders Ward on the Revenger. The Repenter runs. The choir in the backfield casts Battle on the Vanquisher. Juviah uses Menoth's sight on the Vanquisher. Then, the Vanquisher advances. Being able to ignore Stealth, he shoots at the Stalker, dealing 10 damage to his mind.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
With the help of his Vasalls, the Vanquisher is allowed a second shot which deviates. This time he hits the Wilder for 4 points and Laris for 3. The second Vasall made him move back again (we did a mistake here)..
[End of Menoth Turn 2]
Overview. Lots of burnin Circle models in the background (upright orange markers).
[Cirlce Turn 2]
The flames on the burning models extinguish.
Kaya upkeeps her spells. The wilder lets the Stalker use his animus for free. Then the Stalker tramples through the Choir and attacks some Knights Exemplar, killing 1 of the Choir and three Knights Exemplar.
At the end of his activation, he uses his Animus to move backwards.
[Circle Turn 2]
On the other Flank, the Warbeasts advance. The Pureblood shoots at a choir member, a Knight Examplar and a Vasall, but only manages to kill the choir boy.
[Circle Turn 2]
The Stonekeeper shoots at the Choir and kills one of them.
[Circle Turn 2]
[Protectorate Turn 1]
Now its time for the Protectorate to strike back. The Vanquisher gets 2 Focus, the Revenger 3. Kreoss upkeeps Lamentation and Defenders Ward. He moves forward and pops his Feat. All Cirlce models are knocked down.
The Repenter moves up and shoots at the Stalker, the Argus and the Stonekeeper, doing some minor damage.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
This time, the Vanquisher shoots twice at the Feral Warpwolf, hitting once for a couple of damage points.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
Afterwards, the Revenger charges the Feral and finishes him quite easily.
The two remaining Knights Exemplar charge the Warpwolf Stalker and kill him as well.
[Circle Turn 3]
Things look grim for the Circle, as two out of three heavy beasts are down. With a last desparate attempt, Kaya tries to go for an assassination attempt.
The Pureblood shoots at Kreoss and two choir members in order to do some damage to him and to clear the way for Laris. Both choir members go down, but a boosted attack against Kreoss misses! That was a bad start.
[Circle Turn 3]
Then, the Stone Keeper takes a shot at Kreoss as well, but he wasn't able to inflict damage either.
[Circle Turn 3]
At least Laris managed to run from his position into melee range with Kreoss, thus enabling Kaya to use his animus in order to teleport in the back of Kreoss and gaining boni to her attacks due to the Flank rule of Laris.
But because Kaya was within 14" of Kreoss and he upkept Lamentation, she had to spend 4 points of fury to cast the animus. She managed to do quite a bit of damage to Kreoss, but in the end he stood firm!
[Circle Turn 3]
As Kaya was surrounded by enemies, the game was over at this time. Win for the Protectorate!
[Protectorate Turn 4]
Just for the fun of it we look who would kill Kaya. The Vanquisher knocks her down, added by Battle from the choir. The Visgoth and his Bodyguards finally are given a chance to contribute with their weapons as well and kill Kaya. Kreoss still has a lot of focus left.
[End of Game]
Circle of Oboros (Bernd)
As Matthias fielded quite some Infantry, it wasn't very easy for me to get my beasts into contact with his important stuff. I think I should have used my feat early on, just to kill some of his infantry without Matthias being able to retaliate. In the end, I didn't use my feat at all, which was really a shame.
As the War Wolf and the Argus did nothing in this game, I think I will use them more offensively next time.
All in all it was a nice game, but I did really struggle with my army and needed to think quite for some time each turn. This was due to the fact that I used a lot of new models. Well, I think I just need more practice with them. :)
Protectorate of Menoth (Matthias)
Well, for this game I had a plan to cancel the effects of Shadowpack (Stealth for the whole battlegroup) and I also managed to finish all the needed models for this game to set this plan into motion.
I wanted to shoot the beasts and at the same time deny them retaliatory strikes. For this I fielded the Vanquisher. He was shielded by two max Choir units, who were meant as cannon fodder to block charge lanes to him. The Vanquisher's 'ROF' was improved with the Vassal's abilities. And finally, the Visgoth's special abilty lifted the Stealth effect.
And the plan worked :-)
But still I cannot manage to prevent Bernd's assassination runs on Kreoss. Somehow he always finds an advance lane for Laris and is then able to teleport Kaya into strike range. But this time Lamentation really helped (actually the first time the spell played a role in one of my games with Kreoss), drawing more precious Fury from Kaya which she could have used in the attack.
This was also the game with the most points we played so far. What I found interesting is the fact, that some few models won me the game, while surprisingly many models were hardly involved or not at all. I wonder if this is common in games with higher points, or if this was due to the fact that I ended deployed on a narrow front but relatively deep. Cassian and Gius did nothing. I let them kill Kaya in the end, but Kreoss had enough Focus left to do it by himself. The Repenter had one shot. The Reclaimer collected his maximum of souls but also had no opportunity to do anything else.
And still I killed so many beasts... boy, I am great! :-)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted