This Fantasy game was played on 2010-10-12 at Matthias' place using Hordes/Warmachine-Rules (set in ' Iron Kingdoms ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Matthias.
Cryx | Protectorate of Menoth | |||
[ Bernd ] | [ Matthias ] | |||
Battlegroup | ||||
Warwitch Deneghra | -5 | High Exemplar Kreoss | -5 | |
⇒ Skarlock Thrall | 2 | Hierophant | 2 | |
Slayer | 6 | Revenger | 6 | |
Defiler | 5 | Vanquisher | 8 | |
Deathripper | 4 | |||
Units | ||||
Mechanithralls, min | 3 | Knights Exemplar | 5 | |
⇒ Brute Thrall UA | 1 | Choir of Menoth, max | 3 | |
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders, min | 6 | |||
Solos | ||||
Reclaimer | 2 | |||
Wracks | 1 |
The Battlefield. The Menite Forces had pounded an advancing Khadoran Force with artillery this morning, and now Kreoss was sent into the area to assess the damage done and to mop up any Khadoran survivors. Khadoran survivors he did not find. What he found was far worse...
Menite Deployment.
Cryxian Deployment.
Battlefield with deployed forces.
[Menoth Turn 1]
Kreoss gave one focus point to both his 'jacks. All models ran forward. (Except the Wracks of course.)
[Cryx Turn 1]
Deneghra gave the Deathripper one Focus and kept the rest. All models advanced. The Deathripper ran into position, and Denghra arc noded Venom through him, which killed one member of the Choir and one Knight.
[Cryx Turn 1]
Deneghra cast Venom again, this time she killed another two performers of Menoth's holy hymns.
[Cryx Turn 1]
The Reclaimer started to collect souls...
[Menoth Turn 2]
The Vanquisher received two Focus. As it turned out these two were wasted, as his shot at the Mechanithralls was just out of range. The Template deviated harmlessly.
After the Revenger positioned itself in the crater, Kreoss drew on the Focus stored in the Wracks. The Wrack did not explode. He then cast through the Revenger's Arc Node Cleasing Fire and Immolation on the Mechanithralls, killing 1.
[Menoth Turn 2]
The Choir advanced and sang a Shielding Hymn on the Revenger. The Reclaimer advanced to put his Soulstorm to good use and block the path of the advancing Cryx Mechanithralls.
The Knights reveived a charge order, hoping that their most forward member would be able to engage the Deathripper, but the Knight was not able to run far enough.
[Cryx Turn 2]
Deneghra camped on her Focus.
The Defiler lined up with the tactically very clever positioned Knights... (stupid me!)
Deneghra moved forward, and feated. She then cast Crippling Grasp through the Deathripper's Arc Node on the Knight Exemplars, and then followed up with Venom on them, killing all covered by the spray template. A second Venom was targeted at the Reclaimer but missed.
[Cryx Turn 2]
The Skarlock then cast Ghost Walk on the Mechanithralls, which in turn charged. The Brutethrall engaged the Reclaimer and immediately received one point of damage from the Soul Storm, but than quickly ripped Mentoth's devout follower apart. One Mechanithrall killed two more members of the choir, while the last two attacked the Revenger: one missed, the other did minimal damage, and both were repelled by the Revenger's shield.
[Cryx Turn 2]
Lastly, the Defiler moved forward to shoot the last performer of Menoth's Hymns with his sludge cannon.
[Menoth Turn 3]
Kreoss allocated 1 Focus on the Revenger and two on the Vanquisher.
The Revenger then attacked both Thralls facing him, missing the first and killing the second.
The Vanquisher attacked the Deathripper with a fully boosted and aimed attack with his Flame Belcher causing 14 points of damage. This nearly destroyed the Bonejack, crippling his Arc Node and movement. Additionally, the 'jack burned.
Kreoss drew another Focus from a Wrack (leaving it intact). He cast Defender's Ward on the Revenger, who would desperately need all the protection he could get in the next cryxian turn.
Finally, he cast Immolation on the Brutethrall, with boosted rolls he easily killed him.
[Cryx Turn 3]
The Deathripper received another 6 points of damage from the fire continuous effect, which was exactly the amount of damage he had left on his grid. The lonely Knight gave a prayer of praise to Menoth.
[Cryx Turn 3]
Deneghra allocated 1 Focus on the Slayer, 2 on the Defiler and kept 4 for herself. She did not upkeep Crippling Grasp on the Knights Exemplar.
The Skarlock advanced and cast Crippling Grasp on the Revenger, but due to the cover bonus of the crater and the DEF bonus of Defender's Ward, he missed by 1.
At this point Bernd changed his mind, and just moved the Defiler to be able to use his Arc Node, thus wasting the Focus allocated to him.
The Slayer ran forward, eager to finally engage someone.
Deneghra moved behind the boulders and then cast a boosted Crippling Grasp on the Revenger through the Defiler.
The Mechanithralls all charged the Revenger (well, technicall speaking only one did actually charge, the others just attacked), but even with Cippling Grasp all missed him.
[Cryx Turn 3]
The Ghost Raiders also charged the Revenger, their leader making room for them by hiding behind the wood.
[Cryx Turn 3]
Distracted by their leader's 'heroical' behaviour, 3 out of four hit, but only one managed to do some damage - 4 points, which did not cripple any systems. At least the Revenger was set on fire by the attacks from the unliving.
[Menoth Turn 4]
Menoth smiled on those fighting in his name and extinguished the flames on the Revenger.
Kreoss allocated 3 Focus to the Revenger, 3 Focus to the Vanquisher, and 1 to himself, with which he upkept Defender's Ward on the Revenger.
The Exemplar Knight charged the Slayer, but his charge fell short by about 3mm.
The Vanquisher was in range, and dealt 24 damage in total with his charge to the Cryxian 'jack. These attacks crippled the movement system and the cortex.
I then realized that I had wanted to feat with Kreoss. Luckily, all attack rolls of the Vanquisher hit, otherwise...
Kreoss feated and then charged the Ghost nearest him, easily killing him.
The Revenger killed 2 Mechanithralls and 1 Ghost.
[Cryx Turn 4]
Deneghra allocated the Defiler 3 Focus, and let Crippling Grasp expire on the Revenger.
The Defiler used one Focus to shake the Knock Down, then advanced and sludge cannoned the Hierophant (miss) and Kreoss (boosted hit and damage roll for 4 damage points).
Deneghra then channeled Venom through the Defiler, which caused 1 damage point on the Hierophant and 5 on Kreoss. Both were suffering from the corrosive continuous effect now.
[Cryx Turn 4]
The Scarlock advanced and cast Crippling Grasp on the Revenger. Due to the DEF bonuses of the crater and Defender's Ward, the spell again missed. The Slayer stood up and caused 11 damage on the Vanquisher, not crippling any systems.
[Menoth Turn 5]
The corosion continuous effect on the Hierophant expired, Kreoss received 1 damage point.
Two Focus were allocated to the Revenger, one to the Vanquisher and 4 to Kreoss. Defender's Ward was not upkept (though the marker ist still on the table in the above picture).
The Exemplar Knight advanced the missing 3mm and revenged his fallen comrades by finishing off the Slayer.
The now disengagend Vanquisher moved toward the Hierophant and bathed the Defiler and the last of the Banethralls in fire with his Flame Belcher. The Defiler suffered 8 points of damage, but the Mechanithrall was not wounded. Both models were burning though.
[Menoth Turn 5]
The Revenger left his crater, and also hit the Defiler for 5 points of damage.
[Menoth Turn 5]
Kreoss advanced, killed one Ghost, then spent 2 Focus to kill the second, drew an additional Focus from a Wrack, and burned Blackbane with a boosted-to-hit Immolation spell.
Finally, the Hierophant moved up to Kreoss and healed one damage point.
[Cryx Turn 6]
The Mechanithrall succumbed to the the flames, while the fire on the Defiler expired.
Deneghra allocated two points of Focus to the Defiler.
The Scarlock then cast Ghost Walk on the Defiler, to spare him Free Strikes.
The Defiler moved forward unhindered to get a clear line of sight on Kreoss and shot his Sludge Cannon. He boosted both the hit and damage roll, which resulted in 13 points of damage for Kreoss - who had only 8 damage boxes left...
Cryx (Bernd)
This was one of the most exciting games. While looking like a victory for me after the second turn, the tide turned 180 degrees in the third turn. But in the end, I was lucky and managed to grab the victory out of the Meniteâs Hands.
With hindsight I probably should have deployed the Blackbaneâs on my left flank. While not having cover from trees, I would not have been near his arcnode (which I could not harm but who could harm me â I learnd this the hard way) and I would have been closer to his infantry.
Later on I should have put my Slayer to better use. He only managed to get one attack in the whole game. And I probably shouldnât have the Blackbaneâs attack his arcnode (with P+S of 10 they are not meant for that jobâ¦).
Altogether a very close and enthralling fight. FOR OUR DRAGON LORD!!!
Protectorate of Menoth (Matthias)
That was a game! We both agreed, that this was the most tense Warmachine game so far!
At the beginning of the game I did several mistakes.
I should have casted more Defensive Spells on my model's, like Defender's Ward on the Knight Exemplars
I should have paid more attention to the placement of my models, I could easily have placed the Knights on turn two in a formation, that would not have allowed for nealry all of them to be hit by one template attack.
I should have paid more attention to where I moved the reclaimer. He was standing right in front of the Brute Thrall. Had I positioned him behind the choir, he would have protected at least some of them from the attacks of the Mechanithralls.
At the end of the cryxian turn two I was convinced I had lost the game, and Bernd was convinced he had won.
But the tide turned. In my third turn I nearly cleared my right flank (the Deathripper was not destroyed, but the fire continuous effect finished him off right at the beginning of his next turn).
The Revenger drew a lot of magic and physical attention, but lived through it nearly unharmed. Then I hit the Slayer hard, and nearly destroyed him with the first charge.
Had I managed to destroy the Defiler with the combined attacks of the Revenger and the Vanquisher in turn five, I would have won.
Bernd argued, that he would not have attacked the Ghosts with Kreoss, but rather had him run away from them, thus freeing more focus for the Revenger and Vanquisher to deal with the Defiler. Although this might have been the better choice in this situation, I would do it the same way next time, as I think it is better to act than to react. And Kreoss eliminated the Ghost Raiders just as I had planned him to. Wouldn't it have been for the lame sneaky Ghost Walk spell, the Defiler would also have been pinned in place. But what do you expect, fighting those Dragon kissers...
This was a hard fought battle which we both really enjoyed.
And the Wracks had a nice premiere, not one exploded! :-)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted