This Fantasy game was played on 2010-07-13 at Matthias' place using Hordes/Warmachine-Rules (set in ' Iron Kingdoms ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Matthias.
This was our third game. We still did not bother with any scenarios, as we still struggled to grasp all the (special) rules, and decided to just fight until one started crying. But this time the poor Protectorate of Menoth forces, who fought against overwhelming odds in the last two games (the models of the Cryx starter are worth 3 points more than the models of the Menoth starter) did receive some reinforcements in the form of a nearly completly painted Choir.
Cryx | Protectorate of Menoth | |||
[ Bernd ] | [ Matthias ] | |||
Battlegroup | ||||
Warwitch Deneghra | -5 | High Exemplar Kreoss | -5 | |
Slayer | 6 | Crusader | 6 | |
Defiler | 5 | Repenter | 4 | |
Deathripper | 4 | Revenger | 6 | |
Deathripper | 4 | |||
Units | ||||
Choir of Menoth | 3 |
The battlefield.
The deployment of the Protectorate of Menoth forces. This time I was determined to not get Kreoss killed, and planned to use the Choir as a barrier around him, to prevent those ghostwalking Cryx 'jacks attacking him.
Cryx deployment.
Battlefield after Deployment.
[Protectorate Turn 1]
The Protectorate Forces advanced, and Kreoss cast Lamentation.
[Cryx Turn 1]
The Cryx also advanced, moving through the gap between the wood and the field. One Deathripper enjoyed the nature within the wood.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
Starting position of the Menites at the beginning of the second turn.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
Kreoss cast Defender's Ward on the Revenger, and the Revenger charged the Deathripper.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
With some boosting, he nearly managed to disable the Bonejack, only three damage boxes remained.
[Cryx Turn 2]
In return, the Bonejack moved to the side after Deneghra cast Scourge through it's Arc Node on the Revenger (knocking him down) and made room for the Slayer.
[Cryx Turn 2]
The Slayer attacked and badly beat up the Revenger.
[Cryx Turn 2]
The Defiler moved forward and Sludge Cannoned the Choir, killing three of their numbers.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
On the next menite turn, Kreoss popped his feat (knocking down all enemy models in his control area) and cast Immolation through the Revenger on the Slayer. Then the Revenger moved sideways and finished of the Bonejack with his crippled arms. Then the Crusader moved forward with three Focus on him, which was enough to get rid of the knocked down Slayer.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
The Choir of Menoth charged the Defiler and caused some damage, while the Repenter shot his flamer at the nature lover in the wood.
[Cryx Turn 3]
The Cryx resoponded by Deneghra popping her feat in return and casting Ghost Walk on the Deathripper who spent the game in the wood. He then charged Kreoss with his newly gained ability.
[Cryx Turn 3]
He boosted his first attack roll, to make certain he could use the special ability of the Mandibles (when one attack hits, all subsequent attacks hit automatically). Unfortunately (although Kreoss would call it luck), he missed with his boosted roll! Kreoss had a DEF of 12 due to Deneghra's feat, and the Deathripper rolled an eleven!
[Cryx Turn 3]
With his subsequent attack the Deathripper managed to wound Kreoss, but it was not enough.
[Protectorate Turn 4]
Now the Menites needed to finish off the Cryx, otherwise Kreoss would not survive another attack. The Crusader was only able to move 2" due to the effects of The Withering, and was not able to get into reach of the Defiler. Had I thought about it before, I would not have spent three focus on him, but kept them with Kreoss to allow him more melee attacks... As it was, the Choir and Repenter did manage to disable the Defiler...
[Protectorate Turn 4]
... but were not able to box the Deathripper.
[Protectorate Turn 4]
Kreoss with MAT7 against DEF15 only needed to roll an 8 to hit the Deathripper, and then would have automatically caused damage (his POW and STR alone are equal to the Deathrippers ARM), but miserably failed...
[Cryx Turn 4]
Deneghra moved forward, cast Crippling Grasp on Kreoss and with the Focus dropped on the Deathripper the Bonejack easily ripped the Menite Warcaster apart.
[Cryx Turn 4]
So I lost Kreoss for a third time...
Protectorate of Menoth (Matthias)
The game went pretty well for me, at the end I elimite three out of four enemy 'jacks without loosing one myself, I only lost three members of the Choir.
But again I moved Kreoss in a position where the Cryx were able to attack him. It was pure luck that he survived the first turn of attacks from the Deathripper, and then I did not manage to get rid of both surviving Cryx 'jacks, and Deneghra again snatched a victory altough I was clearly winnnig in terms of beating the other force up.
I also did not stick to my plan to keep the choir around Kreoss to block attack lanes. In the turn I used my feat, I charged them at the enemy as well. Had I kept them around Kreoss, they might have been able to block the ghostwalking Bonejack.
Next time...
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted