This SiFi game was played on 2009-06-25 at Matthias' place using Stargrunt II-Rules (set in ' Stargrunt II universe ') and 25mm miniatures. This report was written by Matthias.
Stargrunt II Mission Card | ||||||||||||
Commander | Matthias | Force | NSL | |||||||||
Mission Motivation | high | Fatigue Level | tired | ADE (hostile) | N/A | |||||||
Mission Outline | ||||||||||||
The Free Foreign Legion has been chased for two days. Now they are sourrounded on a small civilian air field they occupied. The other platoons of your company block any further retreat while your platoon is going in to flush them out. |
Primary Objective | Secondary Objective | |||||||||||
Make sure the enemy mercenary platoon is not able for any further operation. |
Take the enemy leader captive. Our intelligence officers would really like to question him concering the men who signs the paycheck. |
Force Organisation | ||||||||||||
Platoon, Jäger Kompanie, 1. Zug | ||||||||||||
Squad, Command | ||||||||||||
Leutnant | SG58 AAR | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Feldwebel | SG58 AAR | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | SG58AAR | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | SK51 Plasma Gun | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Squad, I, II & III | ||||||||||||
Unteroffizier | SG58 AAR | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | MG66 SAW | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | PzSKK XII GMS/P | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | SK51 Plasma Gun | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | SK51 Plasma Gun | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Jäger | SK51 Plasma Gun | Armour: Basic Battledress (d4) | Mobility: very light (8") | Sensors: d8 (enhanced) | ||||||||||||
Support Assets | Organisational Level | |||||||||||
- N/A - | - N/A - | |||||||||||
Notes | ||||||||||||
The Jäger platoon consists of both experienced troops and troops fresh from boot camp. Draw the quality counters randomly from green and regular. |
The NSL Jäger Zug
Stargrunt II Mission Card | ||||||||||||
Commander | Richard | Force | FFL | |||||||||
Mission Motivation | medium | Fatigue Level | exhausted | ADE (hostile) | N/A | |||||||
Mission Outline | ||||||||||||
You have been chased by NSL forces for the last days. Their cordon went tighter and tighter around you. Now, some of your REMFs managed to 'organize' two V2022-Osprey Mk. III VTOL troop transports which they 'found' on a NAC base. They are inbound to get you out of the area. You took over a small civilian air field and now you just need to hold out until the VTOLs arrive, board them and be gone. |
Primary Objective | Secondary Objective | |||||||||||
Defend the airfiled and escape with as many men as possible. |
Get all your wounded out. |
Force Organisation | ||||||||||||
Platoon, Free Foreign Legion (Mercenaries) | ||||||||||||
Squad, Command | ||||||||||||
Squad, I, II & III | ||||||||||||
Team, Extraction | ||||||||||||
V2022-Osprey Mk. III
V2022-Osprey Mk. III
Support Assets | Organisational Level | |||||||||||
- N/A - | - N/A - | |||||||||||
Notes | ||||||||||||
The FFL consists of good quality troops, the quality counters are drawn from veteran and regular. |
This is the status of the FFL squads from the last game. The command squad was intact.
We rolled what happened to the troops that ended the game untreated and treated. This is the result and the starting condition of the FFL squads.
The airfield. To the left you see the two VTOLs which are inbound to rescue the FFL.
The FFL in their defensive positions.
The NSL squads approach the airfield. One Squad heads for the hill in the upper right, to take up position and provide covering fire.
The first roll for fire combat from a NSL squad. SG58 AAR fire power d12, MG66 SAW support fire power die d8, SK51 Plasma Gun suport fire power die d6 - and three ones rolled! Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of bad dice luck for the poor NSL player...
Taking their first casualties, this squad rolls a 1 on their confidence roll, dropping to broken!
The NSL plan of battle unfolds. While two squads take up position on the hills on the right, a thrid squad moves around the left flank, where the wood on the hill (just outside the picture) allows them to approach the airfield compound relatively savely.
The squad on the left flank at their designated position. Now they just have to wait for the right moment to assault the airfield.
The NSL squad on the right flank has reached its position as well, but is immediately taken under heavy fire from several FFL squads an a hidden sniper.
The FFL also take their first casualties.
In turn end phase of turn 3 the VTOLs arrive, in turn 4 the FFL commander calls one of the two to land on the air strip.
The taxi to safety has landed.
The first FFL squad abandons its position on the perimeter and heads for the VTOL.
The FFL troopers running are easy targets for the NSL who send a hail of bullets their way.
Picture taken from an UAV.
The NSL squad on the right flank keeps receiving a lot of enemy fire and finally their confidence drops to routed.
The NSL squad on the left send their GMS/P gunner to the edge of the wood to take a shot at the VTOL. He hits it but cannot cause any damage. Before he can get back into the wood, he is cut down by the FFL squad behind the fence.
The FFL troops suffer more casualties... and more comrades that they need to drag to the VTOL.
The two man squad who had manned the tower descends and starts dragging their wounded comrades toward the VTOL.
The routed NSL squad is rallied by their Leutnant. They open up on the brave FFL troops that came to rescue their wounded comrades...
... and kill one of them.
Things do not look good for the FFL...
The command squad starts to evacuate the wounded from the previous engagement, which had been left in cover besides the house.
The first casualties are loaded into the VTOL.
The one surviving FFL trooper of the carnage on the landing strip drags one wounded to the VTOL as well.
Then the brave fellow returns to get another. Run, Forêt, run...
Forêt is shot at again, but his range die roll is just to good...
The NSL squad takes more casualties from the FFL sniper in the meantime.
The NSL squad on the left flank attack the FLL squad at the air field entrance. The storm to the edge of the wood and blaze away... into the air or something... (they rolled 5, 3 and 5. The FFL player of course rolled a 6 on his d6...)
Forêt rescues another buddy.
The NSL is chewed out over the radio by their Leutnant, wo orders them to immediately shoot again and they'd better hit something. The fire again obediently, but the result is not better this time... ( 4, 4 and 1 vs. 5 ).
More casualties are moved to the VTOL...
... and loaded.
The NSL squad on the right flank finally had enough of being the prime target of a sniper and retreats behind the hill.
The FFL squad that held the perimater at the air field gate runs toward the VTOL.
All FFL troops are in or near the VTOL, ...
... so far four casualties, Forêt (who finally was out of puff to run any more), and four other FFL troopers.
All NSL GMS/P fire against the VTOL has proved ineffective so far, and this is another typical example. While the fire resolution roll (blue d8s) was as low as in the whole game, the FFL player untypically rolled low enough for the fire to be fully effective. But the armour penetration roll was 17 vs. 17 .... just one pip to low... but the landing gear got a scratch...
All FFL troops are loaded into the VTOL. Ready for takeoff.
The last GMS/P shot of the engagement at the VTOL is spoofed by the ECM system...
The VTOL takes off...
... gains speed...
... and heads for ...
... safety.
The battered NSL squads. Only the squad of the Leutnant, who busy the whole game to coordinate the actions of the NSL squads over the radio, did not receive a casualtiy.
The NSL squad on the left flank finally enters the deserted air field. The only occupants are the FFL dead that were left behind.
The FFL Forces. 11 members, including their sous-lieutenant, managed to get out alive after their guerilla activity and their attempts to leave their AO. Nine troopers died. In the escape, four casualties were evacuated, one of these died onboad the VTOL.
The NSL suffered 9 dead in their attempt to prevent the FFL escaping the cordon.
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted