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Cultists & Bauhaus | Meeting Engagement

This Near Future game was played on 2002-12-08 at Matthias' old place using Chainreaction 1.0-Rules (set in ' Near Future ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Matthias.

This was our second game ever using the Chain Reaction Rules. The players were me, Matthias, and Bernd.


Order of Battle
Cultists   Bauhaus
[ Matthias ]   [ Bernd ]
Sgt, REP4, AR 0   Sgt, REP4, AR 0
Team A   Team A
Cpl, REP3, Shotgun 0   Cpl, REP3, Shotgun 0
Pvt, Rep3, GL 0   Pvt, Rep3, GL 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0
Team B   Team B
Cpl, REP3, Shotgun 0   Cpl, REP3, Shotgun 0
Pvt, Rep3, LMG 0   Pvt, Rep3, LMG 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0
Pvt, Rep3, AR 0   Pvt, Rep3, AR 0



The battlefield is a ruined cityscape:

  • Battlefield & Deployment
  • Battlefield & Deployment
  • Battlefield & Deployment
  • Battlefield & Deployment
  • Battlefield & Deployment
Turn 1
  • Turn 1
  • Turn 1
  • Turn 1

Bernd started by moving all his men forward. The squad on his right flank came into sight of my left squad. My model passed his First Sight Check, shot and inflicted a Bad Wound on Bernd's model. He in turn passed two dice as well, resulting in his model ducking back for two turns.


I advanced my troops as well. One of my grunts from the left group shot at one of Bernd's guys, missing him. The Received Fire Check was passed on 0 dice resulting in Bernd's coward running from the field.

My right squad advanced between the buildings when they came into view of Bernd's grenade launcher. Luckily the launcher missed and the scattering grenade only hit my men with debris instead of shrapnel.

Turn 2
  • Turn 2
  • Turn 2
  • Turn 2

The grenade launcher from my left group managed to inflict two scratches on Bernd's men. The rest advanced.

My right group boldly advanced into the field of fire from the grenade launcher opposing them. They were rewarded by the reaction of the grenadier: He decided that a foe who approached in spite of a grenade launcher was a fearsome enemy he would rather hide from. One of my men came into view of an assault rifle gunner. Bernd only passed one die on his First Sight Check, the resulting roll was 9:4 for him so he got the first shot which my soldier avoided by ducking down.

The next of my men being shot at shrugged at the Scratch, fired back causing the opponent to duck down for two turns.

My machine gunner was shot at as well when he looked around the corner to bring his weapon to bear. Being confident in his ability he passed both dice of his scratch roll and fired back causing two duck downs among Bernd's men.


Bernd's left forces managed to cause a duck down on my LMG after it sent one more of them scurrying into cover.

On the right flank the advance was stoped by my men sending one of Bernds grunts ducking down back into cover. But one managed to knock out a assault rifle gunner.

Turn 3
  • Turn 3
  • Turn 3
  • Turn 3

Bernd's grenade launcher specialist screwed up his courage and came back around the corner. The first sight check on my assault gunner resulted in the grenadier firing first. His grenade missed but after it deviated to a spot where it knocked out my machine gunner and another grunt! (You can imagine Bernd's broad grin...)

Luck continued to be absent, with the next First Sight check on that flank resulting in my miniature ducking back.

On the other flank Bernd shot caused a runaway on my grenade launcher specialist. Great turn indeed... for him at least.

The next of his soldiers trying to come around the corner was hit by the wrath of my leader who sent him back to from where he came ducking down for two turns.


Motivated by the success of his leader a grunt stepped forward to engage more of the enemy but was shot at. At this moment his nerves broke. Even though he was not hit he fled the field (rolling a 5 and a 6!).

The rest of my men on this flank desided to hole up in the central building, only the rep 4 remaining outside. The first grunt to enter was welcomed by a shot from Bernd's rep 4 and ducked down behind a low wall.

The next model entered the builing, was seen and shot at. As the bullets did not come near to hitting him, he took his time to aim and send one running from the field.

On my right flank three of my models advanced, one caused a bad wound on the enemy, the other two ducked down because of the incoming fire.

Turn 4
  • Turn 4
  • Turn 4

My rep 4 peeked around the corner and stumbled back before slowly sliding to the ground grapping at his Bad Chest Wound.

On my right sight my men caused two duck downs on the enemy.


Bernd forces tried to surround the central building after my leader was not able anymore to guard that flank. The first who moved pass the window was shot at but advanced unharmed.

Turn 5
  • Turn 5
  • Turn 5
  • Turn 5

In the center house one of my men moved to to the window only to be shot at, scratched and having to duck down again.

From the squad on the right flank one moved into the building , was seen by one of the opponents on the opposite side. Bernd only passed one die on the First Sigth Check an I won the following contest, shooting at him, causing a Duck Down.

Another model from the right squad moved into the building, situating himself at a window. He immediately was shot at but missed. He returned fire and scratched the enemy, which in turn run away.


The three models on his left flank hiding behind the light coloured ruin decicded to close the trap around the building on the other side, and moved through the ruins. My soldier, who moved last round to the window, saw the and fired at them, two ducking back down. The third managed to move into his flank and causing a duck down on him in return.

Taking advantage of the ducked down soldier, one of Bernd's models from his right flank charges into the buidling and into the back of the model standing by the door. The soldier broke and ran from the buidling.

Turn 6
  • Turn 6
  • Turn 6
  • Turn 6

Bernd let his grunt inside the building charge another one of my unfortunate minis in the back, which resulted in him running away as well.

The two models lurking outside the building he moved inside as well. At this point I wondered why he did not shoot at my model in the corner of the building, but said nothing.

On his left flank he moved his man further into the flank of the building.


I revealed the model Bernd simply did not see and forgot about in the corner of the buidling. Now the broad grin was on my face as I opened up on full auto on the two designated dead models inside the building. The broad grin immediately vanished when I rolled a 1 and missed! But nevertheless the two models had to take a Received Fire Check - which they both failed! One got a runaway, the other a duck down.

The other good (that means my) guy in the building came around the corner to fire his shotgun at the two enemies... and missed as well. One ducked down, the other fired, missed as well but forced my man to duck down as well.

The lonely soldier on my right flank on the roof of a building silently descended and sneaked up on the soldier who thought his back safe ... which it was indeed as he missed as well and only scored a duck down.

Turn 7
  • Turn 7
  • Turn 7
  • Turn 7

As the fifth face card was drawn this was to be the last turn of the battle.

On his left flank one of his models was shot at by my only model outside the center building, but again I missed, the return shot caused me to duck down.

On his right flank Bernd moved one soldier to the window behind which my aussault rifle gunner stood. He shot him in the back of his head inflicting a bad wound, ruthless guy as he is.


All my remaining grunts were ducking down.


No-one felt like a victor so both sides withdrew and considered the whole affair a draw.

The game took about one and a half hour, and we both really enjoyed it, especially the hard fought struggle within the center building. There are surely many more games to come...